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What are the benefits of a hosted PBX System?

If you are a business owner thinking about replacing your old premise-based phone system, but you are still unsure of the benefits of a hosted PBX system, then you have come to the right place.

According to Frank de Afonseca, managing director of Ciscotel, a leading telecommunications company in South Africa, a hosted PBX service is all about options.

“Think of it as a buffet of features that you can pick and choose from to create the most cost-effective, yet powerful, communications tool for your business. Companies are increasingly turning towards hosted PBX services over traditional landlines, which are expensive and difficult to manage”, says de Afonseca.

Here are the top five benefits of a hosted PBX solution.


Hosted PBX systems offer a large number of benefits related to costs, especially when compared to conventional telephone services. For starters you don’t have to purchase any hardware, which can be a costly capital expenditure. What’s more, subscription pricing is more predictable, so business owners have more control over their budgets. And with mix-and-match options, you pay only for the services you need now – with the ability to add or remove as your business changes. The bottom line is you don’t pay for things you don’t want, and what business owner doesn’t like the sound of that?


Provide the ultimate in customer service with contact centre integration. Call routing supports inbound and outbound calls, as well as web, email and chat requests. Reporting features and call recording let you monitor and track progress, so you can staff appropriately, improve call resolution times and provide better training for new call agents.


Today, most businesses have to be extremely mobile. Instead of getting tied down to a fixed line telephone system, hosted PBX allows you to carry communication devices all over the world and ensure that you are never out of the loop. Employees can therefore work from literally anywhere and enjoy access to the virtual telephone system.


Every telecom system must be user friendly. This is something that a business organsation can certainly enjoy with a hosted PBX infrastructure. Such systems can be up and running in no time whatsoever. Compare this with fixed line communications systems which may take days or even weeks to be installed and you know that you have a good thing going when you opt for a hosted PBX system. The user-friendliness of the system also means that every employee can be familiarised with its features in no time whatsoever and enjoy cutting-edge technology at his or her fingertips.


When a business has an effective, secure and reliable hosted PBX service, business continuity is something that can be assured. Simply put, there is no physical equipment that is placed within the premises of a business. So, if and when a business is hit by some kind of physical catastrophe, it can rest assured that its communications systems always are up and running.

Contact Ciscotel today to discuss the best telecommunications solutions for your business.

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